A holistic way to improve your life.
Welcome to a little piece of tranquility on the web. Feel invited to check out some of my books. Here are a few listed below.

The Story of Liliana: A Brave Indigenous Child by Clare Rosenfield - Link soon

My name is Clare, and I've been a poet all my life and interested in the field of meditation and healing for over 50 years. As a holistic oriented social worker I founded Contact Healing™. At this site you can learn about Contact Healing™, find books I've written, soothing artwork that I've created, information on poetry and "rap" readings in the Westchester area.
Most of us want to feel energetic, alive, and healthy. Yet there may be a discrepancy between our desire and the way we actually feel because of a belief that "out there" lies the fulfillment - a recipe for youth, someone to love you, a wished-for object. This may lead to a sense of dis-connectedness from our true self, our life's meaning and real work.
Contact Healing™ invites us to find the missing ingredient on an inner level, by contacting our own feeling, intuition, and healing guidance. This is experiential work, to honor our inner world by being willing to look into it, reconnect with our lost capacities, and appreciate how we have been blessed.

Clare Rosenfield, LCSW, MS in Social Work and MA in French
Global Meditation
Global Healing Meditation begins with self-healing. We are guided to contact and integrate our own energies with the energies of the Earth and Spirit. The healing happens when we invite this collaboration of energies to flow into our bodies from head to toe. After that, we are ready to hold the Earth in our hands and radiate our well being throughout the entire planet.
First we neutralize all harmful intentions and ask that the planet be released from all unhealthy influences. Then we invite healing energy to heal all forms of life and the environment, to eradicate disease, including intolerance and hatred, and to create a consciousness among all peoples of mutual respect, understanding, protection and peace.
These healing meditations can be brought to libraries, schools, university campuses, hospitals, homes for the aged, prisons, communities worldwide and to any locations we are invited. Please contact me to schedule private sessions. I offer a free 20 minute consultation in Contact Healing™ which is personalized for each client. Click on the Classes tab to learn more.
Please contact me to schedule private sessions or poetry readings or harp-playing.

​Mail: crosenfield9@gmail.com
Phone: +1 914-705-2230
Available Guidance
Personalized Meditation
Effortless Breathing
Reiki / Esoteric Healing
Inner Journey
Quote of the Month​
"We did not weave the web of life. We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."
-Chief Seattle, Native American
Freedom to choose and not to lose... ...hope.
Just say nope
To hate-filled talk
That keeps minds locked
In a spiral that goes viral
Down down
Into the ground
With barely a sound
O help us please to come up for air
And pray be fair and not dare
To deport
And cut short
Promising lives
Who care deeply care
To live fulfilling lives
And contribute their share
To America they dare
To give their hearts to
Make a brand new start to
Give their kids new hope
To cope and rise up out of poverty
And live in a democracy-- O may it be
O let it be!
-Clare Rosenfield
Email me at crosenfield9@gmail.com for a poetry reading, guided meditation. a Gindler Breathing class, or a private Contact Healing session